The vision of Palmyra Trinity UCC is to create inclusive and welcoming environments where all may worship God, encounter the gospel of Jesus Christ, celebrate the Sacraments, and be equipped to bring about justice and peace to our world.
Seeking to understand others as we seek to be understood.
Seeking to treat others with welcome, love, and compassion
Seeking ways to be abundant in our expression of love.
Bridging Communities
Seeking opportunities to bring together people from diverse backgrounds.
Holy Innovation
Seeking fresh and new ways to communicate God's love.
Trinity United Church of Christ is a growing community of caring people striving to create spaces where all people can experience the authentic and radical welcome of Jesus. Since our conception in 1903, we have been a church rooted in our community. Today, we expand our notion of community to encompass the broad and beautiful diversity of our surrounding neighborhoods. If you are looking for a Christian community that will embrace you free of judgment and conditions, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE!

Justin Musombi

Beth Lynn

Louis Digrugilliers

Joe Murphy

Vicky Nice

Debbie Conzelmann


Kate Murphy​

Burt Hunt

Bob Seward

Deb Dunnigan

Donna Herr

Shelly Digrugilliers

Our Leadership
2025-2026 Trinity Consistory (Board)